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Planning Board Minutes 07/01/2004
(603) 798-4350

Minutes of Meeting
July 1, 2004

PRESENT: Acting Chair Joanna McIntosh, Skip Lawrence, Richard DeBold, Peter Wade, Brad Towle, Fred Chagnon, Mike Stamowlaros, Tom Jameson, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairperson McIntosh introduced the Board and requested they review the minutes of June 3, 2004. Changes were as follows: Page 2, Design Review, Cassandra Fabiano, second sentence: There will be add the word “no” difference… Page 3, Public Hearing, Chester Briggs first sentence: after Chairman Scott add the word ‘to’ sign the…

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the two changes.

                Lawrence/DeBold         (Passed)

        Site Review – New Business              
Continued from June 3, 2004     Storage Units
        Map 4, Lot 167B, Horse Corner Road
Unable to attend continued to 8/5/04

PUBLIC HEARING: Don Talbot/Russell Nelson Property
        Site Review – New Business
        Window and Door Sales
        Map 3, Lot 17, Dover Road
Abutters present: None

Brandon Giuda presented final plans for the Talbot’s. The Board requested that a wetlands scientists stamp be on the plan.

Motion was made to accept the site review plan with the wetlands scientist stamp who identified the wetlands for this project.

        DeBold/Lawrence         (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW                           Mark Blasko – Luke & Elaine Smith Property
Continued from June 3, 2004                     Site Review - New Business
                                                Map 2, Lot 87A, Dover Road
Abutters present: Joyce & Jim Conlin

Mr. Blasko with his surveyor presented plans to the Board. The plan needs a wetlands scientist stamp. They would need a new sign plan for 64 square feet only, and state septic approval and owner of record needs to be on the plan.

Design review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Mark Blasko – Luke & Elaine Smith Property
Continued from June 3, 2004                     Site Review - New Business
                                                Map 2, Lot 87A, Dover Road
Abutters present: Joyce & Jim Conlin

Mr. Blasko with his surveyor presented plans to the Board. The Board was in agreement that the plan needed a wetlands scientist stamp. They would need a new sign plan for 64 square feet only. They also need state septic approval and owner of record on the plan.

Motion was made to approve the site review contingent on state septic approval, new sign plan wetlands stamp and owner of record on the plan.

                DeBold/Towle                    (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:  Klia Ververidis
        Site Review – Restaurant
        Map 4, Lot 159, Dover Road

Abutters present: None

Ms. Ververidis presented the Board with plans for site review. The Board was in agreement that they would only hear and discuss the site review for the restaurant and the apartment.

The owner has been requested to adhere to the new lighting ordinance.

Design Review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING: Klia Ververidis
        Site Review – Restaurant
                                                Map 4, Lot 159, Dover Road
Abutters present: None

Ms. Ververidis presented final plans to the Board. The Board was in agreement that the 4 parking spaces listed in the State of New Hampshire right-of-way needed to be removed. The note #8 regarding retail space needs to be removed from the plan.

Discussion on retail space can be brought to the Board at another meeting if she chooses. The owner is requested to comply with the lighting ordinance.

Motion was made to accept the site review for the restaurant and apartment, with note 8 removed and the parking spaces removed from State of New Hampshire right-of-way.

                Towle/Jameson           (Passed)


        Elderly Housing
        Map 3, Lot 68B, Trap and Dover Road

Abutters present: Bob Boudeau, Barbara & Arthur Abbott, Bruce & Claire Merrill, Thomas & Kimberly Kenneally, Jim & Joyce Conlin and Shirley Waters

Mr. Austin presented plans to the Board. Mr. Austin has completed a subdivision application; he needs to complete the site review application provided by the Board. The Board is waiting to hear from the town engineer on the project, Mr. Austin stated that his surveyor has received the engineer’s suggestions. Mr. Austin stated that the Fire Chief has requested a fire pond. Mr. Austin stated that he has already filed application with the Attorney General’s office for this project.

Abutters reviewed the plans and asked many questions. Mr. Austin is going to the Board of Adjustment for a variance on the well for the model home.

Design review continued to August 5, 2004 with the Public Hearing.

DISCUSSION:                             Mark Drew
Did not attend, no action taken.                Map 1, Lot 4, Lovers Lane

DISCUSSION:                             Carl Mahlstedt
                                                Site Review – Change Residence to Offices
Did not attend, no action taken.                Map 4, Lot 157, Dover Road

DISCUSSION:     Robert & Faye McAnney   
        Map 9, Lot 134
        Suncook Valley Road & Webster Mills

Mr. Noyes presented drawings for this subdivision, according to the current zoning the soil types for this piece of property are rural agricultural and would need 5 acres with 300 feet of frontage. The lot is just about 9.6 acres and they would need 4 tenths of an acre to have two buildable lots for subdivision. It was commented that there is a parcel of land that abuts this project that also belongs to the McAnney’s but they are not interested in adding to this existing lot.

The Board was in agreement that this project does not meet the requirements for acreage to subdivide, therefore a letter denying the project will be sent.

Motion to deny based on lack of acreage to subdivide.

        Towle/Lawrence          (Passed)


DISCUSSION:     Barlow Homes/Joseph Wehrle property
        Map 1, Lot 5, Short Falls Road

Mr. Wehrle and company would like to subdivide off 6 parcels from the original lot with a phase II project for future cluster housing. After discussion phase II was removed to avoid wetlands issues and now 4 parcels will be divided off. The Board was in agreement that the plan needs to go to the town engineer for review. Considering the Board has not seen a completed plan design review will be set for August.

DISCUSSION:     Bud Konn – Canterbury Manor Property
        New Business – Restaurant
        Map 4, Lot 168, Dover Road & Main Street
Did not attend, not action taken.

Other Business: Traffic Counts

A few suggestion were given for 2004 traffic count roads.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Stamowlaros /Lawrence   (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:20pm.

                Respectfully submitted,

                Joanna McIntosh
                Acting Chair